Our Specialties

Made From the Heart



Creativity, inspiration and techniques passed down from generations. We take no short cuts.


We source high quality ingredients for all our baked goods.


Locally sourced fruits when in season. Supporting our local farmers.


Following my passion to create a wide variety of baked goods.

Customers Say

Best Sellers



1 x Hot Chocolate

1 x Marshmallows

1 x Chocolate Chips

1 x Sprinkles



1 x Cake

1 x Icing Sugar

1 x Sprinkles

1 x Chocolate

Nut & Seed Bar


1 x Nuts

1 x Seeds

1x Peanut Butter

1 x Honey

Banana Bread


1 x Bananas

1 x Sugar

1 x Flour

1 x Eggs

Have a craving for something? Our online store is open 24/7.  Thanks for supporting Local.